RAW Australia

Event photography in Perth is fantastic. There is such a varied and eclectic range of events that I am fortunate to be invited to photograph.

RAW Australia was the very epitome of varied and eclectic! The regular photographer for the event (who is an amazing event photographer and who set the bar beyond high!) was unwell and so on Tuesday at about 9pm he called me and asked me if I could do it. I said yes AND THEN he told me everything that it would include! Hmmmm I’ve got to work on that. This is my year for saying yes though so in I jumped with both feet!

What is RAW

RAW is a worldwide event. There are RAW events in major cities around Australia and around the world. Perth RAW is held at the Rosemount Hotel and watching the RAW team transform the Rosemount into an artist showcase was amazing. They have that process down to a fine art!

Photographing RAW artists

The photography element involved artist headshots. Artists being art creators, visual artists, painters, performance artists, jewellery makers, make up artists, hair artists, fashion designers and models (and more). Note to self – photographing models who are 6 foot tall AND wearing heals when I am 5 foot nothing and in flats is a challenge all of it’s own. I need to think about a step ladder for occasions like this!

It involved taking photos of amazing artist show cases. We have some brilliant artists here in WA and it was fantastic to see them on show for all to see and of course there were opportunities there for the Perth public to purchase local art.

Then there were make up artists and hair artists hard at work upstairs beautifying the models for the fashion runway.

Photographing RAW performances

Once the show actually started there were some amazing musical acts. A solo artist and three bands interspersed with a pole dancer, Pirateman Michael, a dance group and of course the fashion.

Fashion designers Misty Sisters Australia, Bais, Femtonic and Jess Emery showed off their collections.

And just like that the event was over and in the short amount of time it took me to capture the headshots of the models the entire room was pulled down and the Rosemount was back to it’s usual self.

It was a brilliant event and the team at RAW Perth should be so proud of bringing an event of this calibre to WA. Thanks for having me as part of your night!