Perth event photographer The greatest Magic Show

I was again invited to be the event photographer for Peth Fringe World Festival to capture ‘The Greatest Magic Show‘. I’ll be honest my first thought was ‘GREATEST, that’s a big call!’ Given just over a year ago my kids were on stage with Penn and Teller, a year before that my son and husband were on stage with Jeff Civillico and we also saw David Copperfield my bar for ‘Greatest magic show’ is pretty high.

I had intended to take my husband and kids to see the show as well. Sadly I procrastinated and left it until the last minute. When I went to buy the tickets the show was sold out. Darn. It looked as though the people of Perth had faith in the show. Every show has been sold out so far so they really are having a fantastic run.

Melbourne based comic magicians Sam and Justin from Show Off Entertainment are the stars of the show. These fun, young guys seemed to be having an absolute ball (despite being dressed in funky suit jackets in 44 degree heat!)

Perth Event Photographer - The Greatest Magician - Fringe World Perth 2019

Such a fun show.

The show was good fun. Like all great family shows there were two layers of humour, one for the kids and another for parents. The audience participation was great fun and the tricks had a modern and young twist. When I read that they would be escaping from a straight jacket it never occurred to me that the straight jacket would be made from cling wrap. I mean honestly, who would think to wrap themselves in cling wrap and then try to escape in less than a minute! They did say ‘Don’t ask how we came up with this’ but I really would love to know what goes through your head to think ‘I know! Cling wrap!’ 🙂

Perth event photographer - The greatest magic show - Fringe World Perth 2019

All in all it was a good fun show. The audience interaction was brilliant. The parents were laughing just as much as the kids.

Last show Australia Day!

Today is the last day for the show. If you haven’t already got plans for your Australia Day you can still catch the show. Today is their only show that isn’t sold out (so far).

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