Perth Event Photographer - MissCast - Fringe World Festival 2019
Perth Event Photographer - MissCast - Fringe World Festival Perth 2019

My second show as an event photographer for Fringe World Festival Perth was MissCast. I LOVE musicals and I love Fringe so I was really looking forward to the show. It didn’t disappoint.

Directed by Nicole Stinton, Melbourne’s Vincent Hooper and Perth’s own Dixie Johnstone performed a selection well-known Broadway songs from roles in which they would never be cast.

My review:

I know this is a Perth Event Photography blog post so I should be leaving the photos to do the talking. The thing is I love shows, I love to write and I’m opinionated so I’ll add my thoughts in as well.

The show was a cacophony of bits that all sort of came together beautifully.
Mason Vellios is the amazing artist providing all the music and he was so lovely. I love that he had added glitter to his beard! Even more I love that when asked about it by stage crew before the show his response to colour choice was ‘Gold! Of course!’ as if it was a silly question and gold is the obvious glitter beard colour of choice! The guy has some serious talent on all the different instruments as well. He played guitar, keys and drums. If I were a jealous person I would not like him on principle.

How to describe the show? It’s tricky! It started off in childhood and then they used puppets to tell the stories of each other. There was political satire, and they cleverly used commentary on gender stereotypes and norms to provide space for costume changes but overall the music was the highlight for me. It may have helped that they sang songs from three of my favourite shows (Dirty Dancing, Greatest Showman and Grease). Dixie and Vincent have got some serious talent. Their voices are amazing, they are incredibly funny and boy do they have chemistry together.

Check out the Fringe World listing for MissCast to find out remaining show times.