Beyond: the magic of Ming Da

Beyond: The Magic of Ming Da was a magic show presented by Mindbendr at The Library Nightclub in Northbridge.


I’m going to start by saying I hate magic shows. Well, maybe hate is a strong word, but I really don’t enjoy them. I enjoyed Penn and Teller and David Copperfield but so often magic shows are cringey and I just want to hide under the table. You can guess how excited I was when I read the booking sheet that came through from Fringe. Oh great I will be shooting a magic show. Awesome!

Photographing for Fringe

One of the reasons that I love photographing for Perth Fringe World Festival is that I get sent to shows that I would not choose. I would not have chosen to go and see a magician. I don’t care that he has come from a run in Vegas. Nor that he was a finalist on the Asian TV magic competition ‘The Grandmaster Asia’. I still wouldn’t have chosen to go.

I went. I had never been to The Library Nightclub. It is such a cool venue. A funky converted church and the staff were so friendly! The lighting tech told me I was welcome to go all the way up to the top of the lighting stage (where the highest stained glass window is). The stairs up were effectively a wooden ladder on an 87 degree incline, with steps that were about 60cm apart.

I climbed it once (in heels with 2 cameras strapped to my hips). The lighting tech practically flew to the top, it took me a lot longer to get up there and I wasn’t sure I would make it down. I had to go down backwards and as I was slowly lowering my leg down hunting with my foot for the next step which never seemed to come I thought ‘yes, this is how I’m going to die!’ Anyway, as kind as it was for him to offer that I could go up there to shoot, having made it down I didn’t fancy taking my life in my hands to try going up there, and worse trying to come down, again!

The magic show

The Beyond: The Magic of Ming Da was absolutely great! Right from the first moment the audience were engaged. The Library Nightclub is such a cool venue. They had set up rows of seats but the venue has permanent couches at the back and a few people had got there early and nabbed the comfy seats. Not for long. They spent most of the night standing, making sure they didn’t miss a thing. The whole audience was leaning forward, craning to see as much as possible and leaning in with eager anticipation. I do have to say that the music really added to the atmosphere.

This was a show on a small scale. This wasn’t a Vegas show with disappearing cars or appearing elephants. It wasn’t ostentatious or flashy, it wasn’t cheesy or cringe worthy. It was good, wholesome fun. There was a lot of laughter, so much audience participation, and I had a great night.


I am so pleased the photographing for Fringe pushes me to attend shows that I wouldn’t normally attend. If I see Ming Da promoting a show here in Perth again, I will definitely make sure I get tickets for the whole family.

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