Perth Newborn Photographer - Harper

It doesn’t matter how many newborn photography shoots I do in and around Perth or anywhere for that matter, my first thought is always ‘Oh my goodness you forget how tiny they are!’ Honestly is there anything more gorgeous than a new baby who is only a few days old?

Introducing Harper

Harper was born just a few days after Christmas. Although she was 9 days old in the photos I couldn’t resist adding a nod to her being a Christmas baby.

9 days old

I try and schedule newborn photography shoots when babies are less than 14 days old but ideally 5-10 days is the sweet spot. Their skin has cleared up a little, they are still sleeping lots and used to being all curled up.

We had Harper’s shoot scheduled for when she was seven days old but her little umbilical cord (or as her mum Melissa called it ‘the dried up tree trunk’) had not yet fallen off so we postponed. I’m so glad we did. Harper’s belly button is so cute! Although I’m not sure Harper was used to being all curled up. Harper definitely had other ideas and seemed to like to stretch out! Only nine days old and she already knows her own mind!

Baby photos

Check out how gorgeous Harper is:

Perth Newborn Photographer - Harper - Secret Harbour
Perth Newborn Photographer - Harper - Secret Harbour
Perth Newborn Photographer - Harper - Secret Harbour

Family photos

Newborn photography isn’t just about taking photos of the new baby. It is about celebrating the change to the family. I always try to capture some family photographs as well.

Nathan and Melissa are such doting parents to Harper. The love they have for their baby girl was written all over their faces. So beautiful to see.

Perth Family Photographer - Harper - Secret Harbour
Perth Newborn Photographer - Mum and baby - Secret Harbour
Perth newborn photography - Father and daughter

It was an absolute pleasure to capture these memories for Nathan and Melissa and their beautiful baby girl Harper.

If you have any questions about newborn photography you can contact me and I’m happy to chat.