I was lucky enough to spend an afternoon with Caitlin and Kishore celebrating their engagement with an engagement photography shoot. I have had the privilege of photographing Caitlin with her extended family a number of times over the years. A couple of years ago, to celebrate the birth of Caitlin’s niece, I photographed their family and Caitlin brought along her new beau. He politely stayed out of the family photos but I think we all thought he was going to be ‘the one’ so we managed to convince him to be in some of the family photos. The first of many to come! So it really was an absolute pleasure to be capturing their happiness and love.

Their engagement story

Caitlin and Kishore both think celebrating their relationship is very important. Their first date was on the 7th and so the 7th of every month they go out and celebrate. On the 7th of September they headed out to see the Aladdin Musical and after the show Kishore wanted to go somewhere special. Caitlin was unwell, she was tired, snotty and all together not feeling her most glam (she had even gone out to the show in her work Hoka running shoes!) The last thing she felt like was going out after the show. So they drove home and as they parked Kishore turned to Caitlin and said he had bought her a souvenir. An Aladdin key chain complete with magic lamp. He told her to rub the lamp and he would make a wish come true. Then he asked her to marry him with a beautiful ring by Angus & Coote. Of course Caitlin said yes! Family is very important to Caitlin and as she had said she was too sick to go out after the show she had to try and contain her excitement for the longest wait to see her family the next day to tell them her fantastic news!

The engagement shoot

There are a few reasons that I love engagement shoots. The first is that I adore love! It is an absolute joy to be around and so I love sharing that with couples and any excuse to capture that with my camera is welcomed!

The second is that an engagement shoot gives a couple a chance to practice being in front of the camera. Perhaps in a few years when I am photographing weddings for ‘the selfie generation’ it will be different, but at the moment I hear ‘we feel so uncomfortable in front of the camera’ oh so often. Part of my role is to make couples feel more comfortable in front of the camera.

A wedding day is a day of heightened stress so if I can meet with a couple before, when we are shooting just for fun and to capture some beautiful images and to make the most of a hair and make up trial that is a great time to give some posing tips. Its all wins, I get to take photos, they get nice photos to celebrate, they get more comfortable in front of the camera and we all get to know each other a little better. It also means that on the wedding day when I give them posing cues they are familiar with them and feel much more comfortable. Who wants to feel uncomfortable on your wedding day?!

Planning ahead

Caitlin and Kishore will be getting married in July in East Perth. Having been in the wedding industry for over 12 years my favourite saying is ‘the weather in Perth is beautiful, except when it isn’t.’ It just isn’t predictable. We have amazing weather all year around but we can also have torrential thunder storms at any time of the year as well. This means a wedding in the middle of winter could be cool but absolutely beautiful blue skies or it could be pouring with rain.

Our ‘wet weather’ plan for the wedding is to shoot indoors at the venue however I have everything crossed that it will be glorious so we needed a plan for where to shoot nearby if we can do an outdoors shoot.

East Perth Engagement Photography

When I first met with Caitlin and Kishore I asked if they had anywhere in mind for photos and Kishore tried to explain a location to me. I’m geographically challenged and so I wasn’t sure where he meant but Caitlin had seen a little park with beautiful bridges and water features. When we arrived we got some photos and then we walked through to Claisebrook Cove not only was it beautiful, it was where Kishore had been talking about. It felt perfect and as we were walking back there was a little strip that felt almost Parisian and given their love for travel I couldn’t resist that photo opportunity.

Capturing their sense of fun.

Caitlin loves autumn leaves and had sent me a photo for the wedding day of a bride and groom in a shower of rose petals. As we were heading back to the car to go to the next location, I gave Caitlin a look and said ‘how silly are you feeling?’ That is all I said! Straight away she read my mind! ‘Are you thinking leaf fight?’ ‘I am!’ She was over there in a second and Kishore was right there with her. I love this photo as well because it shows the custom belt buckle Caitlin had made for Kishore to celebrate their engagement.

The Crawley Edge Boatshed (aka the Blue Boat House)

The Blue Boatshed must be one of THE most photographed places in Perth. I think I must be one of the only photographers to have never shot there before so I was unprepared for there to be a queue. Luckily my amazing daughter had come along as lighting assistant for the shoot and could stand in the queue for us while we captured a few shots up the top.

As Caitlin had been too unwell to go out the evening of her proposal we couldn’t help but mock up a ‘down on one knee’ proposal photo or two.

The ring

When Kishore proposed he had a beautiful ring for Caitlin, however he really wanted her to design her own ring and so (how lucky is she!) Caitlin wears an engagement ring on each hand. The second ring was crafted by Stelios Jewellers. It is amazing. I’ve never seen a ring like it before. The wedding band will fit in between the two bands of the engagement ring and will ‘fill the gap’. I’m a bit of a romantic (AKA a total sap) and I think that’s quite symbolic of marriage. We are whole before we get married but the person we choose to spend the rest of our life with fills the gap and makes us complete.

The credits

Caitlin was beautified for our photoshoot by some crazy talented people. Caitlin’s hair was by Karin from Karin’s Hair and Barbershop, make up by Clare from Clare Kenward Make Up Artistry and those amazing lashes are by Han Mi Lashes. Oh and we can’t forget, the sexy sneakers are by Hoka!

Kishore’s hair was by Kishore, shave by Kishore, clothing selection by committee (AKA Caitlin, my daughter and I made him change his shirt to his second option). Caitlin designed his amazing belt buckle and had it made by Ties and Cuffs.

Thank you so much Caitlin and Kishore for spending the afternoon with us. We had such a great time and we can’t wait to capture your wedding day.

6 Replies to “Perth Wedding Photographer – Caitlin and Kishore Engagement – East Perth”

    1. Thank you. I can’t wait to photograph their big day! Look forward to seeing you there!

  1. Amazing photos showing the love between two beautiful people πŸ’™πŸ’–

  2. Wow Emma. A fantabulous array of incredibly special photos. Whilst I have not met Kishore as yet I want to send a special thank you to him for coming in to Caitlins life. Caitlin exedues happiness in every photo I have seen of them together..as does Kishore. They look just perfect for each other.
    I couldn’t be happier that Caitlin has truly found HER ONE. Congratulations to you both xxx

  3. You’ve touch me ol hart. Beautiful and what a lovely story too. How blessed we to have you in our circle of dearest friends. OX

  4. Absolutely adorable xx congratulations to you both ..May your love grow ever stronger and you always remember how lucky you both are …

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